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Monday, February 28, 2011

Great Authors

Monday, February 28, 2011
Here's a shot from Central Park. The statue is of Hans Christian Andersen and
farther down in the park is a statue of the Mad Tea Party. I thought that it was
neat, seeing writers and characters portrayed in the same space.

Quote Of The Day:
"Like everyone else, I am going to die. But the words - the words
live on for as long as there are readers to see them, audience to
hear them. It is immortality..." ~ J. Michael Straczynski

50 Word Story:
Whispered Words
Pen scrabbling against paper long times ago. Individual letters and words
stay the same no matter which voice they are said in. However, sentences and
fragments are woven like steel spider webs. Each is unique and remembered,
immortalized in a different way. No author, published or not, ever truly dies.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

I'm Just Walking...

Sunday, February 27, 2011
Another picture from New York! What a surprise! New Yorkers are
downright crazy when it comes to traffic and crosswalks. I saw people
standing in the middle of the street, waiting for a car to pass before they
crossed the other half. Nobody waits for the walk signals and it's a miracle
that they make it across safely.

Quote Of The Day:
"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."
~ John Muir

50 Word Story:
One Foot Forward
Double check shoe-laces. Tied and ready, they set off down the road,
admiring the color and culture as they passed through each different place.
Their feet sore, they continued pressing on. Just walking, hardly a care in the
world. No idea where the destination is. Freedom and time to discover.

Rich in History

Saturday, February 26, 2011
Here's a picture of the mill wheel outside my grandma's house. This house was
originally a flour mill and was later changed into a bed and breakfast, and
finally a home. When General Washington and his troops were camped before
crossing the Delaware, he got his flour from this mill. One can still see the
wheel up on the third floor of the building.

Quote Of The Day:
"People are trapped in history, and history is trapped in them."
~ James Baldwin

50 Word Story:
Brush With Fame
Traveling to the area is like taking a giant leap back into history. Stone
buildings and the remainders of battlements. Markings to show where
founders traveled and replicas of their quarters and possessions present
in the land. It's wild to stand where someone so important had a long time

Friday, February 25, 2011


Friday, February 25, 2011
New York City is skyscraper central. Like my dad and I both mentioned
before, it's as though you're walking in a canyon when you're on the streets in
the city. The buildings are absolutely beautiful...just...staggering.

Quote Of The Day:
"A skyscraper is a boast in glass and steel." ~ Mason Cooley

50 Word Story:
Gargantuan Towers
As the sun rises higher over the bustling city, it catches the sparkling glass
of the towers that rise up on every block. Reflections of the city can be found
in their tinted glass. The numerous skyscrapers reach towards the sky. To
stand on top of one is somewhat extraordinary.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Thursday, February 24, 2011
When we went into Grand Central Station in New York, I was first struck
by how big it was, and secondly by all the designs inside the station. I really
enjoyed the constellations on the ceiling. They had lights inside the designs so
that key stars in each constellation lit up brighter than the rest.

Quote Of The Day:
"Things are as they are. Looking out into it the universe at night,
we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor
between well and badly arranged constellations." ~ Alan Watts

50 Word Story:
Starry Artist
A dark, velvety background in the night sky, perfect for drawing on. A clean
slate, a dark secret, the will to draw. Tracing lines through stars in the sky that
many people will use to guide their travels. Names such as Orion, Taurus,
Gemini, and Capricorn. White chalk. Black sky.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Fun Times in Times Square

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

In case you haven't already gathered, Times Square is nothing short of
INSANE. The place is absolutely crazy. It's never quiet, it's never not jam
packed with people and cabs, it's never dark. Like I said in yesterday's post,
the only thing that changes are the advertisements on the big screens and the
color of the sky. I-N-S-A-N-E.

Quote Of The Day:
"At 11:30 at night, there is probably no more exciting place in
the world than Times Square." ~ James Goldston

50 Word Story:
24 Hours of Nonstop Energy
There is no equivalent to Times Square anywhere else in the world. The
colorful billboards can compete with the skyscrapers, the honking taxis and
chatter can compete with the loudspeakers, the people can compete with herds
of cattle. It's impossible to absorb everything in this area. One can only gawp.

New York, ♥ Me

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Wow. Okay. I took over 350 pictures in New York. I was in the city yesterday
and the greater part of today, so that's why these pics are coming tonight. The
first shot is one of a yellow taxi cab, which are extremely common in NYC
streets. Honks can be heard on nearly every main street. The second picture is
Times Square at night. The only difference between the square at noon and at
midnight is that it's dark in the sky. (Notice how I specify where it's dark, as
the light is phenomenal in there...) People are still out at 2 AM. Crazy...The
third picture is of a cathedral (I can't remember which) that is the largest
Gothic cathedral in the world or something impressive like that. The next shot
is a tile on a fence of 9/11 memorials. The tile reads "tower, love, NY." Next
picture is of the arch at Washington Square. Quite a nice park in the craziness
of NYC streets, though it's not as vast as Central Park. The last shot, one of my
faves, is a shot of the Empire State Building at night from the observation deck
of Rockefeller Center. All in all, my trip to the Big Apple was awesome...tiring,
but definitely an experience worth everything.

Quote Of The Day:
"One belongs to New York instantly, one belongs to it as much
in five minutes as in five years." ~ Thomas Wolfe

50 Word Story:
Culture Shock
Giant billboards and flashing lights welcome travelers into New York. Long
blocks, skyscrapers so tall it feels as though you're in a canyon. Honking
yellow taxis taking people across Manhattan and beyond. The Statue of
Liberty holds her torch in the distance. Smells waft through the air. NYC
welcomes you.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Crazy Clown Institute

Monday, February 21, 2011

Okay, so we went for a walk today up in town and had fun looking in
shops, etc. One shop had all these old mannequins tied up outside the
back of the store. Nearly all of them were masked and none of us could
quite figure it out...

Quote Of The Day:
"If there are twelve clowns in a ring, you can jump in the middle
and start reciting Shakespeare, but to the audience, you'll just be
the thirteenth clown." ~ Adam Walinsky

50 Word Story:
Normality? Guess So...
Around the back of the building reside about twenty mannequins, each
dressed in a different, scattered outfit, each with a cheap, black costume mask
on their face. Passersby pay the "display" no mind at all, though it looks as
though the bunch could've come from a crazy institution. Go figure.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Wind in My Hair

Sunday, February 20, 2011
Another shot from those sandcastles we saw a while back...This was one
of my favorites throughout the whole display. The quote on the sculpture says
"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die tomorrow."

Quote Of The Day:
"Kites rise highest against the wind, not with it."
~ Winston Churchill

50 Word Story:
Wind Dance
Cool wind blowing in from the north, ruffling the leaves in the trees and
causing a hissing noise. Threading its fingers around flags and into hair.
Teasing birds' wings and swirling snowflakes up off the ground into a
miniature tornado. Dancing through overcoats and doorways, competing
with heaters. Playful wind.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Can We Pretend that Airplanes in the Night Sky are like Shooting Stars?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Took some pictures with my iPod Touch on the plane today...didn't
turn out half bad!

Quote Of The Day:
"I feel about airplanes the way I feel about diets. It seems to
me that they are wonderful things for other people to go
on." ~ Jean Kerr

50 Word Story:
Cabin Fever
The jolt of takeoff, all the passengers pushed back into the backs of their
seats, ear splitting engine noise overtaking the cabin. Though the view is
spectacular, the flight is long, turbulent, and passengers are eager to land. The
plane dips as it descends, wheels skidding on tarmac. Long flight.

Friday, February 18, 2011

It's Not Rocket Science

Friday, February 18, 2011
I apologize for the bad quality of today's picture, but I think the subject
makes up for the complete awesomeness of the whole thing...We built bottle
rockets in science last week. Best. Unit. Ever. We had a competition to see
whose could make it from the balcony at our school to the forest across the
road. My friend and I made this one (Hoshi - Japanese for "star") and it got
third place!

Quote Of The Day:
"We will never be an advanced civilization as long as rain
showers can delay the launching of a space rocket."
~ George Carlin

50 Word Story:
Science Rocks
The smell of duct tape hangs heavy in the air as the bottle rockets are
assembled in various colors and shapes...some more promising than others.
Finally, each rocket sent flying. Some nose plant on the road, some soar into
the forest. Young, eager aeronautical engineers running down to retrieve

Thursday, February 17, 2011

World Canvas

Thursday, February 17, 2011
This was an early sunrise on a road trip I went on in the last year...So
pretty. Math quiz tomorrow, sorry to be brief.

Quote Of The Day:
"Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the
paint you can on it." ~ Danny Kaye

50 Word Story:
The Brush Holders
The world in gray scale, blank like a child's coloring book. Waiting for that
one person to be the first to paint their signature, to make their mark. And
slowly the color comes, each color unique on brushes wielded by different
individuals. Slowly, carefully, painting the world an extravagant rainbow.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Sorry, both posts for today will be short...math quiz tomorrow. This is my
friend's dog, Molly. In the lighting, she struck me as slightly angelic, fittingly
so. This dog is so sweet.

Quote Of The Day:
"The reason angels can fly is because they take themselves
lightly." ~ G.K. Chesterton

50 Word Story:
The Truest Angels
The truest angels are the ones who look farthest from what we see in
illustrations. No wings, no luminescence, nothing that singles them out as
extraordinary. They watch from the shadows, going about daily business.
They reach out with a helping hand when one needs it most, then vanish again.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Looking Back

Tuesday, February 15, 2010
Looking back, I realized how much nice weather we had that we don't
have now. Huh. Interesting how we thought nothing of the weather before,
when we, or I, would really like it back now. Okay, I'm tired of rain. Yes, I
love the sound of it on the roof, but this much? Really? And cold....Sigh.

Quote Of The Day:
"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and
realize they were the big things." ~ Robert Brault

50 Word Story:
Missing Weather
Long summer days with their warm sun and bare feet. The days fading
into autumn and winter, the warmth slowly creeping into frost and long nights
when the sun sets early. Whatever happened to those long rays of sun?
Waiting for the rain to stop with memories of better weather.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 14, 2011
Hope everyone had a happy Valentine's Day. I know mine was lots of fun.
We had a class party and everyone was having fun making cards and eating
lots of who-knows-what-all sugary stuff. I just ask that today you tell
someone you love them, but also keep in mind those who don't usually receive

Quote Of The Day:
"Love is the flower you've got to let grow." ~ John Lennon

50 Word Story:
Happy Heart Day
Hearts and candy galore, bursting with color and glittering sparkles. Hearts
for family, hearts for friends, hearts for loved ones. Fun messages and warm
feelings that make everyone happy. Hugs to go around and handmade hearts.
Valentines made for those unrecognized by others. Everyone kept in mind and
in heart.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

My Day Today

Sunday, February 13, 2011
This is my day. Soccer at seven in the morning. Homework. Eat. Homework.
Homework. Eat. Homework. Homework. Homework. Dinner with friends.
Homework. Blog. I've gotta go cross off that last thing on my list...

Quote Of The Day:
"I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to
think about besides homework." ~ Lily Tomlin

50 Word Story:
Day Consuming
Typing away furiously, trying to get projects done as soon as possible when
there's still some time left in the day. Hours slipping by, no time, no time. Math
and English, social studies and Spanish. It seems all to sit there in a huge pile.
Finished, finally. No daylight left.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sky High

Saturday, February 12, 2010
Today I went to a friend's birthday party and we went to Sky High Sports,
which is a trampoline place. All trampolines...It was a pretty good time. :) I
took this picture a while ago and though it looked kind of cool, and besides, I
couldn't find a picture of a trampoline...

Quote Of The Day:
"Only from the heart can you touch the sky." ~ Jalal ad-Din Rumi

50 Word Story:
Head in the Clouds
She stepped cautiously onto the trampoline, watching everyone else and
listening to the squeak of springs. Ever so slightly, she began to bounce.
Higher and higher until she felt as though she were flying. Stepping out of
her shy body, she reached up, up, up for the puffy, white clouds.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Gentle Teachings

Friday, February 11, 2010
There are few people in one's life that are not only mentors, but friends
and stand-in parents as well. Not only through photography, this woman has
taught me lots and continues to make me laugh and make me happy. I'm
thankful for the friendship we share and I'm lucky to have her. ♥

Quote Of The Day:
"Mentor: Someone whose hindsight can become your foresight."
~ Author Unknown

50 Word Story:
One to Trust
Advice and gentle correction, hands reaching over, altering the grip on the
camera. Fix ISO, check the white balance, and turn off the flash. Now hold it
steady. Stand-in parent, ready to help and have fun. Not only these, but also
a friend. One to laugh with, one to trust.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Class Spirit!

Thursday, February 10, 2010
This week it's been spirit week at my school. Lots of fun. :) We've had
pajama day, decade day, sports fanatic day, and tomorrow is class color day.
My class color is pink, and, until a short while ago, I owned nothing pink. I
think I'm allergic. However, it's spirit week. I now have a pink class t-shirt, a
pink bandana, and a sweatshirt and some pink shades I borrowed from a
friend. Class color day, here I come....

Quote Of The Day:
"Act enthusiastic and you will be enthusiastic." ~ Dale Carnegie

50 Word Story:
Class Color Day
The whole school decked out in their class colors - orange, green, blue, pink,
purple, yellow, red, and black. Even the faculty gets dressed up for this day to
show enthusiasm and class spirit. The school becomes a rainbow of color,
delight, and downright fun. What an end to spirit week.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Wednesday, February 9, 2011
I've always liked this book. It has wonderful information and pictures, as well as fun facts you might not always get out of another book about a country.

Quote Of The Day:
"A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving." ~ Lao Tzu

50 Word Story:
Off and Away
Off to see the sights of the world, whether it be by plane, by boat, by car, by train, or by foot. Exotic sights in far off jungles and savannas, or historical places closer to heritage or home. Passport stamps and travel guides, ready for a new adventure. World traveler.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tomorrow Comes

Tuesday, February 8, 2010
I took this picture today and I've figured out that the bathroom is the only
room in my house with sufficient lighting. Anyway, I played with the mirror
for this shot and thought a little color splash would be fun. Anyway, sorry for
not posting this yesterday, I had a math test.

Quote Of The Day:
"We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we
forget that he is someone today." ~ Stacia Tauscher

50 Word Story:
The Bright Side
Stuck in the dumps today. The sky is grey, the rain falls down in an ugly
drizzle and the wind bites at noses and hands. It's a nasty day. Rough time at
school, plodding home, trying to avoid puddles. Nothing going the right way.
However, there's always a sunny tomorrow.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Searing Sparks

Monday, February 7, 2010
Grabbed this picture real fast today...I've always liked fires, not sure why.
They always remind me of camping and roasting marshmallows, but I also find
they can be really a good way...if that makes sense at all.
Anyway, I thought this looked cool with some soft editing. On another note -
I'm SO excited for mid-winter break. I'm going to visit my grandma! :)

Quote Of The Day:
"Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is
like fire. It burns it all clean." ~ Maya Angelou

50 Word Story:
Hot Embers
A crackling, popping fire in the ring of rocks, sending small clouds of white
ash into the night air. Tongues of flame licking at anything in their way - logs,
marshmallows, fingers. A small circle of warm, dancing light, illuminating
faces and casting long shadows across dark corners of the forest.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Funny Signs...

Sunday, February 6, 2011
Happy Superbowl weekend! :) Are you Packers or Steelers? I'm rooting
for the Packers, personally. On a different, more relevant note, I took this
picture a while ago and just thought it was really funny...If you pay attention,
there's all kinds of really funny signs around the city. Also this:

Quote Of The Day:
"When this sign is underwater, this road is impassable." ~ A sign
on a Tennessee highway.

50 Word Story:
Double Take
Walking down the street, admiring the lights and fun things in shop windows.
Tilting heads as a sign most would not see pops out to their eyes. They read it,
do a double take, then read it again, laughing. Someone's put something utterly
hilarious up there, intentionally or not.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Saturday, February 5, 2010
Yes, I am aware this is not a water slide course, but it's as close as I can get.
I went to a waterpark with a friend today...So. Much. FUN! We did all the
slides and had a blast! We were swimming/tubing for about nine hours...I'm
so tired.

Quote Of The Day:
"I have never seen a river that I could not love. Moving water...
has a fascinating vitality. It has power and grace and
associations. It has a thousand colors and a thousand shapes, yet
it follows laws so definite that the tiniest streamlet is an exact
replica of a great river." ~ Roderick Haig-Brown

50 Word Story:
Splish Slide Splash
Two girls running up the stairs, carrying a large tube. They stand in line,
waiting for their turn. As they reach the top, they take off down the slide,
laughing and screaming all the way. Into the splash pool, grins on their faces.
Up they go to do it again.