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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Forbidden Flight

Thursday, December 2, 2010
This shot is another one from when we went to see the world champion
sand sculptures. This was a sculpture of Icarus from the Greek story Daedalus
and Icarus. Summarized, the story is as follows: Daedalus and his son Icarus
were trapped in a tower. There was one window in the tower, but no other
way to get out and the tower was very high. At some point, a bird flew down
and one of its feathers fell onto the windowsill. Daedalus had the idea that he
would build wings to get them out, so he built two pairs out of the feathers,
string, and the wax from their candle. As they flew out the window, Daedalus
told Icarus not to fly too low to the sea because the spray would wet the
feathers, but not to fly too high to the sun because the heat would melt the
wax. Icarus was too busy wrapped up in the joy of flying and being free that
he flew too close to the sun and plunged into the sea. What a morbid note to
end on....but that's the background behind the photo and today's post.

Quote Of The Day:
"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever
walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for
there you have been, and there you will always long
to return." ~ Attributed to both Henry Van Dyke and
Leonardo da Vinci

50 Word Story:
A cold stone tower high above the ground - inescapable, or so thought. One
lone window looking out into the night sky, a cool, gentle breeze blowing
through its opening. A breeze just long enough to lift and carry. Soaring out
the window, oblivious to the dangers that wait outside. Gliding.


  1. Jane, I love your blog! Photos, quotes and short stories are all interesting and thought-provoking. Today's quote is actually by Leonardo da Vinci...

