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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dying Easter Eggs...

Saturday, April 23. 2011

Sorry for the poor quality of the first shot - I just grabbed it real fast as we
were dying Easter eggs. Easter egg dying is always something fun for our
family. Nobody ever has any plans for what they're going to put on their eggs
and all three of us pretty much just wing it. My dad just ended up sticking
stickers all over one of his and then dying it red. My mom often has problems
with getting her designs to come out...and me? I try to make mine relevant to
life somehow, but they're pretty random too. I'm just looking forward to the
egg salad sandwiches tomorrow...The last shot is of my lazy little pooch taking
a sunbath on the deck. Had to throw it in because it was so cute. :)

Quote Of The Day:
"The problem: How to get two pounds of chocolate eggs home
from the store in a hot car.
The solution: Eat the eggs in the car park." ~ Author Unknown

50 Word Story:
Vibrant Digits
A dozen eggs lined up on the kitchen counter, ready to be designed and dyed.
White crayons are scattered across the wood and six jars of very strong,
vibrant dye sit in the middle. Stickers and designs galore sit there, waiting for
creativity. In the end, colorful eggs...equally colorful fingers...

1 comment:

  1. Oh yeah I forgot today is easter! *slaps my own forehead* Happy easter! I never dye eggs on easter or do anything relevant to that because our family doesn't celebrate easter. I wonder how the eggs turned out...

    He wil get you...Slenderman
