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Friday, March 4, 2011

The Chess Lesson

Friday, March 4, 2011
Yay! Finally a blog on time! Woo-hoo! Haha, sorry again for not posting
pretty much at all this's been insane. However, I have made up for
it and all the posts that were missing have been put in place. :) Today's shot
is one from Washington Square Park where a friend was teaching a friend to
play chess.

Quote Of The Day: (Two. :])
"Most gods throw dice, but Fate plays chess, and you don't find
out till too late that he's been playing with two queens all along."
~ Terry Pratchett

"In life, unlike chess, the game continues after checkmate."
~ Isaac Asimov

50 Word Story:
Rook, Pawn, Knight, Bishop
Cold benches and colder hands. A chess board laid out between them, the
black and white pieces shining in the cold light reflecting off the snow in the
park. Gentle teaching and experience guiding the pieces across the board.
Concentration, determination, and strategy, carefully moving each individual

1 comment:

  1. Awesome shot! Although it kinda looks like two people just playing chess to me... But that's my view.

    -Kenny McCormick
