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Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year's Eve!

Friday, December 31, 2010
Happy last day of 2010! I had a lot of fun tonight - we had some friends over
and we just played board games all night. I took this picture on our photo
shoot and I thought it summed up tonight pretty well. I intend to stay up till
midnight...anyone else? :)

Quote Of The Day:
"Youth is when you're allowed to stay up late on New Year's
Eve. Middle age is when you're forced to." ~ Bill Vaughn

50 Word Story:
Bringing it In
Anticipation building up through the black blanket of night. The moon sits
high in the sky, as if it's waiting to bring in the New Year. Good food, good
friends, lots of laughter, the night wears on. The clock chimes twelve.
Firecrackers and confetti are blown into the air.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Fresh Produce

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Here's another few pictures from our photo shoot...these ones turned out
quite nicely with minimal editing. I love the market...there are SO many
colors, all so vibrant and popping. The guy at the produce stand here was
pretty funny, comparing the sizes of our cameras.

Quote Of The Day:
"Even the richest soil, if left uncultivated will produce
the rankest weeds." ~ Leonardo da Vinci

50 Word Story:
Organic Harvest
Plots of land prepared in the spring, the warm sun and frequent rains
enriching the soil. Small seeds planted with care and watched from the kitchen
window as they grow, producing delectable fruits and vegetables. Soon they're
plucked from their vines and sent off to market, screaming the word "fresh."

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Illegal Expression?

Wednesday, December 29, 2010
This is another picture from yesterday's photo shoot. There was a whole
wall of very fun graffiti that we took numerous pictures of. This wall was
covered in paint of all different colors, shades, designs, and expression. It was
very cool.

Quote Of The Day:
"Painting is just another way of keeping a diary." ~ Pablo

50 Word Story:
Restricted Speech
Bold colors spattered against a city shop's wall, their twisting features
climbing up the bricks. Unlike most graffiti, this particular piece is done not in
hate or derogatory terms, but in passion for the paints and in beauty. That
doesn't make it any less illegal. Something so beautiful, thoughtful...yet

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Oh Brothers!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Went on a photo shoot today with some friends...really fun time. I got to
use a "real" camera - a Canon. It was definitely a difference and I had a lot of
fun trying out the new feel of a bigger camera. This was one of the shots I got
of two brothers. Moments before this shot they were roughhousing. :)

Quote Of The Day:
"Sometimes being a brother is better than being
a superhero." ~ Marc Brown

50 Word Story:
Brotherly Love...
Two boys sitting on the steps, animated and talking about something. The
next moment, one pulls the other's hair while the other smacks his face. They
share mutual laughter. At last they end up in a hug, one smacking the other
hard in the back, resulting in an indignant exclamation.

Monday, December 27, 2010

A Shelter From the Rain

Monday, December 27, 2010
Today was very fun. I stayed over at a friend's house and stayed up till 3 AM
watching two Pirates of the Caribbean movies...then at noon we went skiing!
Fresh powder, quick lines, snowing. It was so great. I had so much fun! :) On a
different note, here's a shot I took a while ago. I really liked the bright of the
yellow umbrella against the rich blue of the sky. A little editing and it turned
out quite nicely.

Quote Of The Day:
"Don't sit under an umbrella waiting for it to rain." ~ Author

50 Word Story:
Rain Repellent
Grey skies and the chill of rain to come. As the thick clouds begin to cry -
lightly at first, then harder and harder - a wind sweeps over the grass,
blowing the tears sideways into a driving rain. A bright yellow umbrella,
like a sun. Defiant against the sheets of rain.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Hats Galore

Sunday, December 26, 2010
Sorry this isn't the greatest picture, but I thought it captured two of
her favorite things...My friend received her cat for her 5th birthday and her
hat for this Christmas. The thought running through Sophie's head was
most likely something along the lines of, "Oh look. There's another animal on
your head!" Both the cat and the hat are very fuzzy. :)

Quote Of The Day:
"A crown is merely a hat that lets the rain in." ~ Frederick The

50 Word Story:
Hats Hats Hats
Big hats, small hats, fancy hats, plain hats. Tweed hats, plaid hats, striped
hats, feathered hats. Black hats, red hats, purple hats, green hats, rainbow
hats. Sun hats, baseball hats, rain hats, propeller hats. Caps, crowns,
fedoras, plastic umbrella hats. Light hats, heavy hats, furry hats. Hats and
hats galore!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas, everyone! I had a really great Christmas...we didn't really
do a ton of gifts this year, just one nice one and some other fun stuff. We were
all very happy with that. :) My family has a tradition of going skiing or
snowshoeing on Christmas day, so we ended up skiing on untouched snow. It
was like flying. Please appreciate the first picture, as my left hand nearly froze
trying to get it...

Quote Of The Day:
"Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind.
To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is
to have the real spirit of Christmas." ~ Calvin Coolidge

50 Word Story:
Sheer Joy
Christmas tree glittering in the living room beside filled stockings. The sweet
aroma of French toast emanating from the kitchen. Skis on, carving down the
hill in fresh powder, zipping on the wind. Dinner and excitement with extended
family. Home in bed, warm, settled. The idea Christmas. Family. Precious

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve Traditions

Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Christmas Eve, everyone! I had a really fun day today. We went
hiking with some family friends and then hung out for a bit before going to get
a picture with Santa. This evening, we went to our friend's church and enjoyed
the Christmas Eve service. It was a good day. Here are some shots from our
hike. The first is a shot I've always wanted to get - when everything is in focus
but the water is soft. I was so happy to get that shot. The second is of our
doggy friend, Molly. The last is of our friend "grabbing that shot" with his

Quote Of The Day:
"Tradition is a guide, not a jailer." ~ William Somerset Maugham

50 Word Story:
Outdoor's Eve
Whether it be snowshoeing, skiing, walking, or hiking, they were always out
on Christmas or Christmas Eve. While most were holed up in their cozy
houses, listening to Christmas carols and drinking hot cocoa, they were out
braving the elements...perfectly happy with that. It had become a much loved

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Hardware and Variety

Thursday, December 23, 2010
Hmph. If not for the lights and decorations, it wouldn't feel like Christmas.
I can't really believe that tomorrow's Christmas Eve. Odd, isn't it? Anyway, I
just took this shot as we were coming home from hearing some friends play
music. I've always loved this little hardware store. It's very old-fashioned and
has that distinct general store smell.

Quote Of The Day:
"I went to a general store but they wouldn't let me buy
anything specific." ~ Stephen Wright

50 Word Story:
A door on squeaky hinges opens, revealing a cozy store. The smell of dog
food, metal, fresh cut wood, and antiques fills the room, washing over those in
the shop. Shiny, old-style toys, pet supplies, hardware, birdhouses, flags,
doormats, and little knick knacks line the shelves. Always familiar and

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Wednesday, December 22, 2010
I got this very cool t-shirt a while ago at the market. The symbols are all
religious symbols that are arranged to spell out the word "coexist." I've had
many people ask me what the shirt says...half of them realize what coexist
means and think it's really cool...the other half just doesn't get it. Haha.

Quote Of The Day:
"The human race cannot coexist with nuclear weapons."
~ Iccho Itoh

50 Word Story:
Accept. Move Forward.
Endless views of the world, beliefs systems, and religions. One cannot
comprehend the belief of every human, though acceptance is expected.
Acceptance is easy for some, a barrier for others. Coexistence is the only way
anything in the world will progress. So be open-minded. Don't automatically
say no. Try it.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Just took a quick picture tonight, sorry for the poor quality. This is Jabber,
one of my favorite Beanie Babies. I was obsessed with these as a little kid...
Anyway, my grandpa thought that Jabber was pretty cool, so we got him a
matching one. :) He named it "Jabber Walkie-Talkie." My grandpa passed
away a few years ago, but I still have Jabber and his Jabber still sits in the
office in my grandma's house. It's like a link I have with him.

Quote Of The Day:
"The weakest link in the chain is also the strongest.
It can break the chain." ~ Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

50 Word Story:
A Last Link
There were no coherent memories after the accident. Just flashes of white
light, someone grabbing her hand, hard impact. Nothing but blackness after a
point in time. Who were they? What happened? When was this crash? She
remembers nothing but the feel of someone's hand gripping hers. A last link.

Monday, December 20, 2010


Monday, December 20, 2010
*Points at title.* No, I'm not talking about a horrible vampire movie.
*Shudder.* Tonight there's supposed to be a lunar eclipse. I've always found
solar and lunar eclipses to be something magical...(And yes, I'm aware of the
difference between solar and lunar eclipses, don't be confused by the story.)

Quote Of The Day:
"Nations, like stars, are entitled to eclipse. All is well,
provided the light returns and the eclipse does not become
endless night. Dawn and resurrection are synonyms. The
reappearance of the light is the same as the survival of the
soul." ~ Victor Hugo

50 Word Story:
A brilliant sun hanging in the sky like a diamond. It emanates heat, power,
and life and isn't afraid. It sparks and swirls with endless energy. The moon, a
small, cratered grey that slowly begins to take over the sun, gradually blocking
it out, then gradually slipping away again.

Take The Leap

Sunday, December 19, 2010
This was a picture taken last summer when my friend and I were goofing
off on the beach. We had time, a camera, and laughter. Oh how I love summer.

Quote Of The Day:
"When in doubt, make a fool of yourself. There is a
microscopically thin line between being brilliantly creative
and acting like the most gigantic idiot on earth. So what the
heck, leap." ~ Cynthia Heimel

50 Word Story:
Positively Lost
The safe and the unknown, separated by a chasm with no end. Familiar
ground beneath his feet. On the other side, a twisting road that disappears
around a bend. No sign of what's ahead or what's coming. Breathing deeply, he
takes a running leap and lands, looking back only once.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Friend in the Garden

Saturday, December 18, 2010
I took this picture a while ago at my cousins' house. I think I've
mentioned before that they have a bunch of fun yard art and little knick
knacks. I thought this garden gnome looked friendly for a garden gnome...
One of my friends was actually a garden gnome for Halloween this year, it
was great. :)

Quote Of The Day: (A very random one...)
"It's better to help people than garden gnomes." ~ Author

50 Word Story:
Spring Gardens
Spring sun warming the gardener's back as she works, her straw hat
resting on her head. Digging up weeds with thick gloves, gently clipping
plants. The beds are neatly tended, each plant blossoming. The pungent
smell of warm dirt and spring flowers. Soft dirt and evidence of a dedicated

Christmas Ornaments, Christmas Memories

Friday, December 17, 2010
I was at a friend's yesterday, so I couldn't post...sorry about that! About
a week ago, we decorated our tree. My parents have a tradition of giving me
an ornament for Christmas every year and it's always a highlight to pull out all
the ornaments and hang them up on the tree in order. This is one of my most
favorite ornaments. It's a writing fairy. On the ornament it says: WRITING. I
love the swirl and swing of words as they tangle with human emotions.
~ James Michener.

Quote Of The Day:
"We do not remember days, we remember moments." ~ Cesare

50 Word Story:
Twinkling Memories
A twinkling Christmas tree invites warm memories of past holidays to
come out. Shiny ornaments removed from their wrapping, ready to be placed
on the pine smelling branches. A chorus of "Oh, do you remember?" and "I
love this one!" fills the room. The little things objects can bring back...

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Thursday, December 16, 2010
Being a writer, I sometimes feel that I find inspiration in the weirdest places.
Things that seem perfectly normal and uninteresting to people are important
to me and what I could use them for in my writing. This is a football stadium -
a pretty average structure in a city. For me, this sparked a whole new set of
characters and a brand new plot line.

Quote Of The Day:
"Easy reading is damn hard writing." ~ Nathaniel Hawthorne
And this one, just because... :)
"A metaphor is like a simile." ~ Author Unknown

50 Word Story:
Ordinary objects, normal buildings, busy city streets, nothing to be expected
of them. Architecture common to the city. Grey pavement, nothing out of the
ordinary. However, the slightest thing can kick start the gears in a writer's
mind spinning, whirring, clinking, busy creating a work of entwined words.
Inspiration found.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Wednesday, December 15, 2010
This sign hangs on my wall. I happen to look at it every time I turn on the
light and I think it's a good reminder and a good thing to think about. So, tell
me...what would you do if you knew you could not fail?

Quote Of The Day:
"Once I decide to do something, I can't have people telling
me I can't. If there's a roadblock, you jump over it, walk
around it, crawl under it." ~ Kitty Kelley

50 Word Story:
Great and Terrible
Limitless possibilities, endless options, so many solutions. Anything is
possible, failure is not an option anymore. It's not an outcome, there's
only success. Great things always dreamed of are now guaranteed to come
true. But world domination is also possible. What do we learn by always
winning? Think about it.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wiped Away

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Another picture from our snow day. :) I thought these trees looked....elegant
all lined up in the snow. I wish we'd get snow again, it was so pretty. This shot
pretty much sums up why I love where I live. There's this kind of beauty all
over and you just can't miss it. I love it.

Quote Of The Day:
"Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect. It means
you've decided to see beyond the imperfections." ~ Author

50 Word Story:
I Live Here
Tall mountains with powdered snow lines, their tips hidden in puffy white
clouds. Forests of tall pine trees, clear rivers and streams rolling over
smooth stones. Large meadows full of vibrant wildflowers that sway gently in
the light breeze. Birds chirp and elk graze. Imperfections seem to be wiped

Monday, December 13, 2010

Cake Pop Forest

Monday, December 13, 2010
My mother and I just spent an hour making these fun little cake pops. She
found this recipe and we thought it would be fun to make them for my class
and teachers, so this is what we've been doing the past two days. The inside
of the pop consists of peppermint oreos mixed with cream cheese. They're
then stuck on the stick and dipped in melted chocolate, then coated with
Christmas colored sprinkles. Very easy, very tasty.

Quote Of The Day:
"Holy strawberries, are we in a jam!" ~ Mr. Mint from Candy

50 Word Story:
Dreams of Sugarplums
Candy canes the size of lampposts, towers of gumdrops as big as pine trees,
ponds made out of Jell-O. Little huts made out of gingerbread and flower
meadows of sprinkles. Cupcake townships, ice cream icebergs. Lemon drops
for rocks and cotton candy clouds...every little kid's dream after playing
Candy Land.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Sunday, December 12, 2010
I took this picture today. This is the river and it's very, very high. If the
rising continues at the rate it is now, it has been said that one of the towns in
the valley is going to flood. As for this shot, I actually took it out of the
windshield of the truck to get the "watery" style.

Quote Of The Day:
"We must build dikes of courage to hold back the
flood of fear." ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

50 Word Story:
Serenity Turned to Malice
Ugly water filling the rivers. Trees and boulders crashing down with the
current, unable to hold against the sheer power of water. The water is dark
and muddy and ruthless. Normally calm stretches are turned to rapids. Flood

Twinkling Lights

Saturday, December 11, 2010
Sorry for not blogging yesterday! I...just kinda forgot. Haha. This is a house near mine that looks like someone has thrown every Christmas decoration at it. There's lights on the trees, on the grass, on the house, everywhere. They have little set ups of snowmen and penguins and the lights even blink to music. If you were to visit this house and stand there for ten minutes, you still wouldn't have seen everything. You can't visit this house and be anything except happy.

Quote Of The Day:
"Christmas is not in tinsel and lights and outward show.
The secret lies in an inner glow.
It's lighting a fire inside the heart.
Good will and joy a vital part.
It's higher thought and a greater plan.
It's glorious dream in the soul of a man." ~ Wilfred A. Peterson
50 Word Story:
Cheery Night
The dark of the night pierced by twinkling lights hung high from rooftops and pine trees. Beams of Christmas joy in the air, some rainbow, some candy canes, some giant ornaments. The neighborhood looks festive, warm, and welcoming. One can’t help but feel happy when festive lights decorate the town.

Friday, December 10, 2010


Friday, December 10, 2010
Boy, am I happy it's finally Friday...This picture was taken a while
ago at the sand sculpting championship. Many of my blog pictures have
come from that, in case you hadn't noticed. :) This was a small piece, but
there was so much attention to detail in it.

Quote Of The Day:
"I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy
is a necessary ingredient in living." ~ Dr. Seuss

50 Word Story:
Why Do We Hang On?
Dreams - whispers of fantasies. Fragments of broken dreams that are
known to never have a possibility to come true. But we don't give up on these
fantasies. If anything, we feed them. Feeding our imaginations with things that
never come true. We hold these fantasies close and never let go.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Thursday, December 9, 2010
Sorry for another mediocre picture, but I just had to blog this. We made flashlights the other day in science. We've been learning about electricity and such, and so my teacher challenged us. We were given a certain amount of various materials between two people and were instructed to build a flashlight. The flashlight had to turn on with one hand, stay on, turn off with one hand, and stay off. It took time, and as my friend and I put it "blood, sweat, and tears," but ours worked. :) We named it the Hot Pocket because it looks like a hot pocket.

Quote Of The Day:
"Science does not know its debt to imagination." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

50 Word Story:
Craving Discovery
Science is merely discovery started and spurred with imagination. So many resources, so many ideas and thoughts, so many questions. Overcome by not knowing, we experiment and change things to see what will happen. We explore and learn new things. We call all the time that we have fun research.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Before and After

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

You can guess what I did today! :) No more braces! Hurray! I'm so happy and
my teeth feel SO weird...So the first picture is me with the braces I've had since
March of 6th grade and the second was taken tonight after they came off. (And
no, my teeth aren't yellow.)

Quote Of The Day: (For lack of better ones...)
"Think about the photo before and after, never during. The
secret is to take your time. You mustn't go too fast. The
subject must forget about you. Then, however, you must be
very quick." ~ Henri Cartier-Bresson

50 Word Story:
She was a mess before. Her hair was scraggly and flew everywhere. Her pants
were ripped and her shirt was splattered with mud. The gap in her teeth was
wide enough to hold a pygmy elephant. Styled hair, lots of dental work, a nice
outfit, and she was polished. After.