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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Kite String

Saturday, April 30, 2011

One of my favorite parts of the trip was flying the kites we made in
science class on the beach. The first shot is of my friend, and fellow kite
maker, trying to get our kite up in the air. Yes, it has a rainbow, a fire
breathing unicorn, a fire breathing dinosaur, and lollipops. We're just that
awesome. The second is a shot of a friend's rainbow kite up in the sky.

Quote Of The Day:
"Imagination is the highest kite one can fly." ~ Lauren Bacall

50 Word Story:
Beach Flight
Salt spray wafts over the soft sand. The waves crash against the
ground, their sound comforting. Giggling girls run down the beach, tugging
colorful kites behind them. Attached to the ground by just barely a string,
a kite has the closest thing to freedom. Flying among the clouds, sand below.

Beacon in the Night

Friday, April 29, 2011
Another trip shot! We took a quick little hike/walk up to this old
lighthouse after eating lunch. It was beautiful up there - the view went
on forever. I've always loved lighthouses...

Quote Of The Day:
"Lighting up the night so bright...for all those who sail by night.
Lighthouses blow no horns; they only shine." ~ D.L. Moody

50 Word Story:
Lighthouse Keeper
The waves crashed loudly against the sharp, black rocks of the reef. The
wind howled its eerie song, its voice ripping through the night like nails on a
chalkboard. A small beacon of hope stood out on the cliffs, warning sailors to
keep away from danger. A soft, lifesaving beam.


Thursday, April 28, 2011
Sorry that these next few posts are a bit late...I was off on my class trip.
It was really, really fun. There was absolutely nothing educational - all just
fun. This was the view from outside our hotel room window.

Quote Of The Day:
"The hardest thing in life is to know which bridge to cross and
which to burn." ~ David Russell

50 Word Story:
Life's Bridges
A large expanse of metal ran into the sky and across the water, its triangular
supports glittering in the light. The suspension bridge hung in the air, a bridge
between worlds, between dark and light, between emotions. The world may be
black and white, but a bridge is merely grey.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Wednesday, April 27, 2011
This is a shot I grabbed a while ago of a cool piece of art that spun in the
wind. I liked the little bits of color against the blue sky and puffy clouds...Also,
I'm going on a class trip starting tomorrow, so I most likely won't post until
this upcoming Saturday...

Quote Of The Day:
"The whirligig of time brings in his revenges."
~ William Shakespeare

50 Word Story:
Spinning Expression
The whirligig, for lack of better words, sat on top of the pole in the square.
It spun and creaked softly in the light breeze, jagged metal edges cutting into
the blue sky. Its colored pieces of glass cast rainbow shadows on the
cobblestones. A mark of freedom and expression.

She Sells Seashells by the Sea Shore

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
How's that title for a tongue twister? I really, really want summer, so I
couldn't resist posting something beachy. It's not the greatest shot, but it'll

Quote Of The Day:
"Sit in reverie, and watch the changing color of the waves that
break upon the idle seashore of the mind."
~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

50 Word Story:
Shellfish, Shell Fingers
Hundreds of shells line the beach, wet and shimmering in the early light. A
small girl rushes down to sit in the ankle deep water, digging the different
shapes out of the sand. This one a clamshell, this one belonging to a hermit
crab. Sandy treasures that others left behind.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Monday, April 25, 2011
I took this picture about a week ago when I went to see the infamous
chicken....There was this really cool frog fountain with three frogs hugging
under an umbrella. I really liked the way the raindrops were captured in this
particular shot. A bunch of frogs live in the park near my house and during
the spring and summer, you can hear them croaking at night.

Quote Of The Day:
"Analyzing humor is like dissecting a frog. Few people are
interested and the frog dies of it." ~ E.B. White

And this one just because it's funny...
"It is a truly wise man who does not play leap frog with a
unicorn." ~ Author Unknown

50 Word Story:
Frog Calls
Warm summer air is thick with moisture and the fading songs of birds. As the
stars begin to twinkle in the sky, the croaking of frogs picks up so that it can be
heard all around the neighborhood. Methodic and strangely calming, it carries
on into the cool night.

Happy Easter!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter everyone! Two shots captured the fun today...The first
is of my little cousin's Easter basket. The second is of the bunny cake that
my mom made and my cousins helped to decorate. We have a tradition of
going over to their house for egg salad sandwiches and bunny cakes...It's
always a really fun time.

Quote Of The Day:
"Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life."
~ S.D. Gordon

50 Word Story: Poem today...I thought it was cute.
Easter duck and Easter chick
Easter eggs with chocolate thick

Easter hats for one and all
Easter bunny makes a call!

Happy Easter always brings
Such a lot of pleasant things!
~ Author Unknown

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dying Easter Eggs...

Saturday, April 23. 2011

Sorry for the poor quality of the first shot - I just grabbed it real fast as we
were dying Easter eggs. Easter egg dying is always something fun for our
family. Nobody ever has any plans for what they're going to put on their eggs
and all three of us pretty much just wing it. My dad just ended up sticking
stickers all over one of his and then dying it red. My mom often has problems
with getting her designs to come out...and me? I try to make mine relevant to
life somehow, but they're pretty random too. I'm just looking forward to the
egg salad sandwiches tomorrow...The last shot is of my lazy little pooch taking
a sunbath on the deck. Had to throw it in because it was so cute. :)

Quote Of The Day:
"The problem: How to get two pounds of chocolate eggs home
from the store in a hot car.
The solution: Eat the eggs in the car park." ~ Author Unknown

50 Word Story:
Vibrant Digits
A dozen eggs lined up on the kitchen counter, ready to be designed and dyed.
White crayons are scattered across the wood and six jars of very strong,
vibrant dye sit in the middle. Stickers and designs galore sit there, waiting for
creativity. In the end, colorful eggs...equally colorful fingers...

Friday, April 22, 2011

Chillin' With My Peeps

Friday, April 22, 2011

So it is agreed by everyone who is remotely awesome that peeps are the
BEST Easter candy there is. No doubt about it. At all. So my friend and I didn't
have school today. Her mother bought us two quite large boxes of peeps. Now,
what are you going to do with two giant boxes of peeps? (Other than munch a
few, of course.) Take them out for a photo shoot! What else? So for three
hours the two of us had jousting peeps, strolling peeps, kayaking peeps,
camping peeps, climber peeps, floral peeps, skateboarding peeps...etc., etc.,
etc. It was a great day. Note: I'm all caught up on stories that I missed...go
back and read. :)

Quote Of The Day: (Because there are no quotes that
pertain to Easter peeps, I thought this one would be
"I had a dream last night, I was eating a ten pound
marshmallow. I woke up this morning and the pillow was
gone." ~ Tommy Cooper

50 Word Story:
Peep, Peep, Hooray!
Pink, yellow, green, blue, purple, and orange marshmallows sit on the
counter. They're in the shapes of bunnies and chicks - each one heavily
sprinkled with colored sugar. Joyful and sweet, they bring out the essence
of Easter candy. Of course, everyone knows that peeps are the best. Peep,
peep, hooray!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Red Hat Society

Thursday, April 21, 2011
When we were off to see the chicken about a week ago, we spotted a
group of women from the Red Hat Society. They looked like they were having
so much fun together! The Red Hat Society is a group for women with the
following goals/mission:
"Fun - we celebrate life at every age.
Friendship - we solidify and expand the bonds of sisterhood.
Freedom - we discover and explore new interests.
Fulfillment - we realize our personal potential.
Fitness - we embrace healthy, life-lengthening lifestyles."
If you'd like to find out more about this fun group, check them out at this site:

Quote Of The Day:
"Red hatters matter." ~ Georgia Reyes (Society motto)

50 Word Story:
The Red Hatters
A group of older women gets out of a few cars that have just pulled up in the
market. They giggle and laugh with each other, each adjusting her purple and
red, vibrant, characteristic hat. They pause to take in the view, then, holding
hats and hands, off they go.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Fire Flight

Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Today is a good day! I have just decided this. Today my group finished
a pretty big step in a project we're doing and I, thanks ever so much to my
photographer friend, got my pictures that had been erased back! Hooray!

Quote Of The Day:
"Night is a world like by itself." ~ Antonio Porchia

50 Word Story:
Paper Lanterns
The night sky hung over the dark town like indigo velvet. Not even the
stars dared poke out in this cold. A few brave souls arrived in the center
square with hundreds of paper lanterns, each a warm glow against the cold
night. They floated gently away, like lazy comets.

All I can think about right now is Tangled....Hahaha.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Watchful Eyes...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011
I grabbed this shot of our neighbors' cat on a walk the other day. This cat
seems to like to sit on the back of the couch and watch the world...particularly
that bird feeder out there...

Quote Of The Day:
"A cat is a lion in a jungle of small bushes." ~ Indian Saying

50 Word Story:
The Huntress
Two yellow eyes peer intently out of the window, keeping a close watch on
the outdoors. A white tail flicks back and forth as the eyes travel up to the
birdfeeder not too far from the window. Whiskers twitch. Paws shuffle in to
get a better view. Best lion impersonation.

Just for Ducks

Monday, April 18, 2011
Guess what? It's a duck. Yep, a pretty nice duck there. I am lacking ideas
of what to say...I really liked the marbled quality of the water in this shot.
Um...yeah...Have a nice day. :)
Quote Of The Day:
"If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, it
must be a duck." ~ Proverb

The Essence of...Duck.
Waddling around on webbed orange feet, the mallard struts his stuff, the
sunlight just catching the fine, green feathers on his head. Water drips off his
impressive, yellow beak. Ruffling his damp feathers, he quacks importantly
and waddles away, his chest puffed out in pride of his obviously handsome

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Guess What? Chicken Butt!

Sunday, April 17, 2011
This, my friend, is a chicken. Well, a rooster, actually. This thing was
hilarious. It would crow every few minutes...I swear I jumped every time. We
went down to see the "big spotted chicken" today. It was actually really fun.
There's this giant chicken statue and then there's this little village shopping
center thing. It's all very quaint. My SD card decided to delete a ton of my
pictures, however, so I'll post a picture of the infamous spotted chicken if I
can get them recovered. (We have hope...)

Quote Of The Day: (I read this, did a double take, and
"Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken."
~ Chuck Palahniuk
50 Word Story:
Landmark Chicken
The giant white chicken with black polka dots stands out like a sore thumb
on the road. It's pretty impossible to miss... It stands and watches the cars and
pedestrians that come to shop in the quaint, country-like market. Nobody
ever complains though, because it never utters the smallest squawk.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Street Performer

I grabbed this shot of a street performer last week. He had one
guitar balanced on his chin, the other one in his hands, a harmonica
in his mouth, and he was playing all these instruments while hula hooping
not one, but two hula hoops. I've gotta give it to this guy...I could never
pull that off.

Quote Of The Day:
"The whole motivation for any performer is 'Look at me,
Ma.'" ~ Lenny Bruce

50 Word Story:
Look at Me!
A man stands on the corner, decked out in colorful clothes and carrying a
variety of props. He holds a teddy bear, juggling pins, rainbow beach balls, and
a guitar. As soon as he has a sufficient audience, he begins juggling and singing,
enjoying the rapt eyes of the crowd.

Storm Clouds

Friday, April 15, 2011
I was at a friend's house for Chinese last night, so I didn't get a chance
to post this. So the 15th is the Day of Silence. It's a day where mostly high
school students, though some of my friends and I participated, as well as some
of our teachers, don't speak unless required to be in solidarity for those who
feel as though they can't speak who they are - mostly referring to gay, lesbian,
bisexual, and transgendered teens. If you want to read more, check out this
link: On another note, this is yet another shot
of the mountain with a pretty impressive cloud over it. (I had to tie this back
to today's theme somehow....)

Quote Of The Day:
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to's about learning to dance in the rain." ~ Author Unknown.

50 Word Story:
Angel's Tears
Grey storm clouds hung low in the sky, blocking out the warm sunshine. They rumbled with thunder and flashed with lightning, unrelenting. Fat raindrops, tears of the angels, plummeted to the ground. It's too heartbreaking to watch, so why stand by glumly when we can dance and scream and laugh?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Partners & Crime

Thursday, April 14, 2011
This shot is of a bookstore in Greenwich, NY. I really enjoyed the name and
the fact that they specialized in mysteries. I really like the reflection of their
website in the window that starts off with "crime pays." ....On another note,
I've probably been watching way too much Castle...

Quote Of The Day:
"Society prepares the crime, the criminal commits it."
~ Henry Thomas Buckle

50 Word Story:
As he turned the corner, stopping to catch his breath from running at
a full-out pelt, he heard something rustle in the bushes. He straightened
up slowly, the hairs raised on his arms and the back of his neck. Is it a crime
to murder a projection of your imagination?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Traveling Taco Bus

Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Another shot from New York! We spotted this bus on one of those
crazy streets and I just had to grab a picture of it. I mean, how great is it?

Quote Of The Day:
"Food is an important part of a balanced diet." ~ Fran Lebowitz

50 Word Story:
Meals on Wheels
Through the crowded, honking traffic of rush hour in New York City
comes a brightly colored bus. Delicious smells waft from its painted windows
as it cruises by, looking for a place to open up shop. Not only is it decorated
on the bus, it's a decoration of unique flavors.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Yesterday's post! Yay! I spent a really long time on my math homework
last night, so I didn't have time to post this. I snapped this shot in the city
while trying very hard not to look conspicuous...I'm not sure how well that
worked out. When I see strangers, I always wonder who they are, what their
views are, how they act, etc. This shot just stood out to me.

Quote Of The Day:
"Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even
to the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story."
~ Max Ehrman

50 Word Story:
One stranger walking down the street, head down, feet scuffing the grey
pavement of the sidewalk. She's wearing a tattered coat and a look of battered
determination. She appears focused, though it would seem she has nowhere to
go. What has this person endured? Who is she? What's her story?

Monday, April 11, 2011


Monday, April 11, 2011
Not one of my best shots, but it'll work. I'm back at school. I was SO
tired today. I've got service tomorrow...Yay! Anyway, back to the picture...
my mom collects feathers she finds. Each one is a bit different and comes
from a unique bird.

Quote Of The Day:
"I am a feather for each wind that blows."
~ William Shakespeare

50 Word Story:
Runway Birds
Feathers ruffle in the light wind, dancing in the sunlight. Bright, vibrant
colors popping against blue sky. Brown, earthen hues flapping against green
summer grass. Patterns and shapes found in each one, unique war paint and
decoration to each bird. Each struts their stuff, flapping their glossy wings and

Sunday, April 10, 2011

First Tracks

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Another couple shots from the other day...It was absolutely beautiful on
the upper chair...sunny and sparkly...great view. You could see Rainier and
everything. Oh how I wish I could stay on the mountain...School's back in

Quote Of The Day:
"Skiing is a dance, and the mountain always leads."
~ Author Unknown

50 Word Story:
Other than the squeak and rumble of the old, metal, two person chairlift
and the swish of skis and snowboards in fresh powder, all was silent at the top
of the mountain. The sun sparkled across the new much untouched.
Tracks just begging to be made. Dancing on air.


Saturday, April 9, 2011
Sorry for the lack of a good picture...but this is all that I could come
up with...I didn't post yesterday as I was at a very fun birthday party for
my friend who just turned 16. :)

Quote Of The Day:
"The world is a playground, and life is pushing my swing."
~ Natalie Kocsis

50 Word Story:
The squeak of swings echoes across the blacktop. Little school kids
take turns riding down the big, plastic, yellow slides. The monkey bars are
full of little acrobats and the rock wall full of young climbers. The sounds of
four square and basketball mingle with the sounds of happy voices.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Why I Love Where I Live

Friday, April 8, 2011

The first shot is of where I was yesterday afternoon and evening. The
second is of where I was this morning. I love where I live. I can go from the
city straight to the slopes. How much better could it get?

Quote Of The Day:
"Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's
not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's when
you've had everything to do, and you've done it."
~ Margaret Thatcher

50 Word Story:
Best of Both Worlds
Standing in the middle of a bustling market square as the sun slowly sinks
lower into the horizon. The water sparkles in the background. One man plays
guitar and hula hoops nearby. Next day - all is quiet. There's the squeak of the
chairlift and that softness of fresh powder.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Meet Me at the Center of the Earth

Thursday, April 7, 2011

We went to a really cool exhibit at the art museum today called Meet Me
at the Center of the Earth. The artist, Nick Cave, makes these suits called
Soundsuits that you can get into and dance in. There were so many amazing
suits stitched out of all kinds of material such as rugs, straw hats, handbags,
old tops, sequins, fake fur, name it, he probably has it in one of
those amazing suits. Here's the blurb from the art museum: Meet Me at the
Center of the Earth is an invitation to meet the AMAZING creations that
spring out of Nick Cave's imagination. Cave calls them Soundsuits. We call
them a beautiful, joyous, EXUBERANT, colorful opportunity to explore an
ALTERNATIVE WORLD which challenges conventions and inspires new ways of thinking. Check him out...these Soundsuits really are spectacular.

Quote Of The Day:
"Oh sure, but you want to leave it open to the imagination. It's
not always a good thing to think of everything. You have to have
a level of curiosity." ~ Nick Cave

50 Word Story:
Still, yet Bursting with Life
Still forms stand on the white display blocks. Each is dressed in a different,
incredibly unique suit made out of the funniest items. One displays a collection
of buttons. Another is made completely out of twigs. A third has toy tops
resting on its shoulders. They beg to dance.

Check out this video:

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Candy Apples

Wednesday, April 6, 2011
I really liked the way this shot turned out with the editing I did...It's a
picture of M&M candied apples in the window of a really good chocolate shop
down in the city. I took this one a while ago - just for fun.

Quote Of The Day:
"Forget love - I'd rather fall in chocolate!"
~ Attributed to Sandra J. Dykes

50 Word Story:
Sticky Glee
A young girl with brown pigtails stares at the candy apples, her face and
hands pressed to the glass. Just this once, her parents smile and take her inside
the shop. As they walk down the street, she looks up at them with a sticky face
and a stickier smile.