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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Alpaca Kisses

Saturday, April 2, 2011

How about those silly alpacas? Today I went and visited my friend who is
staying on an alpaca farm to take care of about twenty some alpacas while
their owner is at an alpaca show. Alpacas are funny the sense of
looks as well as personality. I swear, all they do is stand around in a group
and make a sort of "meeeah" noise. They are very curious and gentle, yet
some give you the stink eye...I wasn't there at feeding time, but it's said
that they'll chase you for oats...

Quote Of The Day:
"Keep your friends close, but your alpacas closer..."
~ Author Unknown

50 Word Story:
Not your Common Farm Animal
Curious eyes peer out from behind curly hair resembling dreadlocks. Two
toed hooves pace the ground, eager yet ready to take flight. Fuzzy noses
twitch, trying to smell tasty oats or fresh hay. Long, fringed legs and feathered
ears that could be a rabbit's. There's nothing quite like an alpaca.